Fizzbuzz Blasts Into The Future in Google Devfest x Bizfest 2018 Conference
Fizzbuzz just wrapped up our participation in the biggest tech conference in Cebu last October 27 in GDG Cebu and GBG Cebu’s Devfest x Bizfest 2018: Into the Future.
This year’s conference saw some 800 participants from all over the Visayas region in attendance. We ourselves sent two of our talented web and app developers, Niña Magbanua and Celmar Galindez to expand their insights and hopefully take back nuggets of programming knowledge that they’ll apply to Fizzbuzz’s current and upcoming projects.

Niña and Celmar all ears at the event.
Devfest x Bizfest 2018 tackles all things Web, AI and Machine Learning, Mobile, Cloud and Local Business Industry. Its overall goal is to nurture and equip the Cebuano IT community with new knowledge and skills that they can take back and apply in their endeavors and in eventually in their company’s various projects.
Students, IT professionals, and programming experts converge in this day-long event which featured prominent speakers from all over South East Asia. All of whom bring their individual expertise to help participants level up their Development Skills on Google Technologies.
One other highlight was the CodeLabs workshop, which Celmar joined in. The workshop is a code-all-day activity of fun challenges and rewards for coding participants.
Let’s hear from Celmar on what he got out of his weekend experience at the Google Devfest x Bizfest 2018 Conference:
“Three things that would wrap up my fun-learning experience at GDG Cebu 2018.
1. Tech-knowledge bank — Joining in GDG devfest opened up new opportunities to improve myself and apply my learnings to my present job. The organizers never fail to bring in speakers who were well-versed in their crafts. Learning from the experiences of people who had have meaningful milestones in the industry makes me excited for what the future has in store for me.
2. Fizzbuzz represent! — What makes my attendance this year different and exciting from the previous is that I am representing the firm which also supports this kind of IT event. I feel proud and thankful for the generosity the company has shared to the community here in Cebu.
3. Expanding network — The world is too small to not meet one or two strangers. It’s my commitment to meet new people every GDG events, build rapport and exchange learnings.”

Celmar at the CodeLabs Workshop
Niña went off on her own course for web development-specific topics which had her meeting dev rockstars such as Yohan Totting and Henry Lim.
And here is last weekend’s dev conference in Niña’s own words:
“Google Devfest is a big event that happens every year but this year they took it to a different level, especially when you hear or see their tag line “Into the Future”.
I have never been more excited going to this event as this would be my 2nd time to attend Google Devfest, but this year was the most amazing experience I had. From the first keynote speaker where he spoke about PWA (Progressive Web Application) – a web application that will turn your website into an app base. The talk helps me to be more more sensitive and aware of user experience and interface in when building websites.
After the event, I had my fangirl mode on because I learned a lot from Henry Lim who talked about Bringing Firebase Admin SDK to your Server and Building a Better Web for Everyone. Malaysia-based Henry Lim is one of the youngest Google Developers Experts (GDE) in Asia. At his early age he was able to learn a lot from these technologies. I really envy the kid.”

Niña with Yohan Totting (left side photo) and Henry Lim (right side photo)
Fizzbuzz has always believed in investing in its most valuable resources: human resource. That’s the reason why we never shy away from opportunities that add to the skill set and knowledge of our team. The Devfest x Bizfest 2018 conference is just the beginning. As more events pour into the region, we see ourselves blasting off into the forefront of the IT industry…right into the future.

And look who made an appearance at the event!