MEET THE TEAM Pt. 4: Getting to Know the People Behind the Buzz
Welcome to the fourth and final installment for our Meet the Team series, where we feature and celebrate the heart and soul of Fizzbuzz – the people. We can’t be the organization that we are – passionate, creative, and dynamic – without the leaders and talents who run the show.
Speaking of which, today’s entry shines a light on the formidable ladies of the PMO and Admin Team. This trio of headstrong, determined, and dedicated head honchos have been there since the very beginning. Presently they’re hard at work in steering Fizzbuzz towards greater things.
We know what you’re thinking: aren’t these “admin types” tough and scary? Don’t they all live in their ivory towers and are too unapproachable? Our answer: Not when they’re Team Fizzbuzz.
Well enough talk from us, let’s hear it straight from them. Everyone, say hello to the PMO and Admin Team:

How does one make Ms. Mira happy? One word and a letter: Vitamin R. Can you guess what the “R” stands for?
1. What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
I would most likely be a guidance counselor or a teacher. I have always wanted to be part of a person’s success, to help from behind the scenes. I find joy in doing little things, such as the simple act of lending an ear to someone. Small things like that can do great wonders for some people.
2. Fill in the blank. People would be surprised if they knew ____________.
I honestly don’t think there is anything else about me that will surprise people. I mean, the once closed chapter of my book has long been re-opened for everyone to see. What you see now is the real me.
But if you must insist…Um, is drinking coffee before bedtime something to be surprised of? See? I told you there are no surprises when it comes to me…hahaha.
3. If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmmm… I’d say: hard boiled egg + Snickers + coffee = That counts as one meal. Don’t argue with me on that! Haha. But feed me that combo and I would be fine for the entire day.
Oh, and can we make that “unlimited coffee,” please?
4. What is your proudest moment in Fizzbuzz?
Being a part of the Fizzbuzz team is something I can be proud of. Working with the amazing and awesome people and growing with them is such an honor.
5. Last question: Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?
Oh wow, this is one tough question! Well, you’re not completely taking out the brushing of teeth…and I can use those wet wipes to clean and freshen up. So I guess I could give up bathing for a month.
I just can’t give up the internet. And my reason is not that of work. Rather, it’s because I feel more connected to people through the internet.
People who say that they can live with no internet in this day and age can very well live on planet Mars. Haha.

Confused about life-altering choices such as what to eat for your next meal? Let #WhatWouldJellicaEat be your guide.
1. What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
I would be a cook with my own “carenderia” hahaha! But seriously though, I’m not a good cook but I’m not saying that I’m a bad one either, but if I have the chance to do something other than what I’ve been doing, I would start my own “carenderia” business. There’s something about selling food that draws me in. (Editor’s Note: We think it’s the idea of being surrounded by food all the time that draws Jellica to the “carenderia” business idea. Haha)
2. Fill in the blank. People would be surprised if they knew: __________________
…that I could eat everything, as in everything I want in a day and then I’d still be hungry an hour later. My appetite knows no bounds and my stomach is an abyss. (Editor’s Note: We’re not surprised at all, Jell. We know you too well when it comes to food…hahaha)
3. If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ooooh, this is such a difficult question! How does one even begin to choose! But um, I guess it’s Pork Sinigang? I think, as long as it is paired with rice, of course. Rice is life.
4. What is your proudest moment in Fizzbuzz?
Hmmm… My proudest moment is every time the team is able to deploy a project successfully, regardless if I own the project or not. Just seeing the team’s effort paying off — nothing could ever make me prouder than that.
5. Last question: Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?
Are you kidding me? I’d rather give up the internet for a month! I think I could live without it than living without a bath at all!

We know we have a great leader at the helm. How so? Well, aside from obvious leadership skills, King loves her Fizzbuzz babies. While caught in a potentially disastrous plane ride, where an engine accidentally caught on fire, King’s immediate thought was not self-preservation. Instead, she worried for Fizzbuzz babies and their payroll (“I can’t die right now. What about the team’s payroll?”). True story.
1. What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
As a kid, I always wanted to fly. I’m a bit of a dreamer in that way. But I realized that being just a dreamer, without actions and hard work and of course, money, you won’t really achieve anything substantial. Well, this was how I looked at it while seeing my older siblings receive their shiny medals. And so, in one of our “What do you want to be when you grow up?” sessions in primary school, I declared that I wanted to be a pilot.
However, this ambition changed again when I noticed that money can buy you new clothes and chocolates (#priorities)! So I decided that I wanted to work in a bank.
But now, as it turns out, I found my calling in this industry.
2. Fill in the blank. People would be surprised if they knew ___________
…that I used to dance gracefully when I was younger. (Editor’s Note: Can we get a sample of this, please? On video?)
…and that I once ordered food (I won’t name the establishment) and I forgot to pay! I just waltzed out of there so casually. But hey, when I did remember (the next day), I absolutely returned right away and paid my bill. That was such a crazy experience!
3. If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Kangkong with tofu and then paired with fresh buko juice. Is that considered as one meal?
4. What is your proudest moment in Fizzbuzz?
There are a lot of proud moments in Fizzbuzz, not just one. But one highlight was the minute Fizzbuzz became an official company with the help of our legal and Ms. Mosmira. That made it all real. Seeing the team now, growing and working so cohesively, just makes the wait well worth it.
5. Last Question: Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?
I’d give up bathing for a month. It doesn’t say that I need to give up brushing my teeth or drinking water, right? So I’ll keep my internet, thank you very much hahaha.
And that’s it! We have finally completed the four-part Meet the Team series. We hope that meeting all twelve “unicorns” of Fizzbuzz (because each one is unique and special haha) has lent you a fresh perspective into the personalities behind the names.
In business and in the dog-eat-dog world of the tech industry, performance and grit are important, yes. But personalities – quirks, strengths, and character – of the people who drive the company are key to any success. So we take pride in the team that we are – diverse but cohesive, solid but dynamic.
With that, we thank you for taking your time in getting to know us. We would love to get to know you too. If there’s anything you found out in the course of this series, it’s that we’re nice people. Promise. So feel free to say hello.
Until then, keep checking our blog for first dibs on What’s Fizzling in the Fizzbuzz bubble!