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Fizzbuzz 1 Year Anniversary 1

Celebrating Our First Birthday: Fizzbuzz Year One

So, we’ve officially turned a year old last August 03. And we did what any typical one year old would do: throw a birthday party, of course!

Kidding aside, the last year has been quite the ride. Fizzbuzz started out with just three people in its roster. Since then, the Fizzbuzz team has gone on overseas trips to our affiliate companies, built up a hefty portfolio of our works, hosted a bunch of pizza parties, and to date has grown the team to triple its original size.

And so it is but just fitting for us to throw Fizzbuzz Year One, our first anniversary shindig of sorts. We had a couple of friends from the digital media industry and the academe to join our celebration.

The event was also our launchpad for some of the digital media projects we implemented over the last year. We also formally kicked-off our dedicated Stop-Motion Animation (SMA) team and studio with a studio tour and a sneak peak at the very first short film out of Fizzbuzz SMA studios.


That said, we are truly, very grateful for the turnout of friends and contemporaries who came to show their support. We can only look at the future with much promise and continued excitement for all the creative projects, new people, and pizza parties that are to come.